In what may be the most anticipated report of the year so far for copyright enthusiasts, YouTube released its Copyright Transparency Report documenting the number of claims filed and where such claims originated (e.g. Content ID, Copyright Match, Webform) for the first half of 2021. A staggering 722+ million claims were filed from January – June 2021, with less than 1 percent of those being disputed claims and half of those disputed being resolved in favor of the “uploader.” Some would argue that number is still too large and that YouTube has to do better with respect to its user experience. In publishing its report YouTube is finally bringing some empirical evidence to the discussion about the automated content filtering that is being fueled by the ongoing implementation of Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSM) directive. The report published on December 6, 2021 and is available for the public online. Follow this link to read the full report.
Copyright Evidence is a digital resource developed by the CREATe Centre at the University of Glasgow in partnership with the AHRC Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC). It is intended for the resource to become a global reference point for empirical work on the causes and effects of copyright law. Copyright Evidence Portal is structured in such a way that it can be explored through three key questions: What evidence is available (Evidence Wiki)? Are there patterns that can be visualized (Evidence Viz)? And how can the evidence be used (Use Cases)? For example, we chased the concept of fair use which resulted in 19 (of 855) available studies on copyright under Evidence Viz. Under Evidence Wiki, the same term resulted in 152 matches (including studies not entitled fair use mentioning the topic incidentally). Under Use Cases, we discovered this fun tool Primary Sources on Copyright, which offers digital versions of registered works from the 15th century onward (1450 – 1900).