Post Archives

Author: Lee Morin

How To Register a Copyright

How To Register a Copyright

Registering a copyright is something I am always happy to help my clients with but, with a little bit of time and patience, it is also something that you can do yourself.  According to, copyright is “a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon

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Trademark Trolls Have Tolls

We’ve all heard of patent trolls. Wikipedia defines them as a party (often a shell company) who purchases patents from usually bankrupt companies for the express purpose of suing other parties claiming damages for infringement, knowing that it is more likely those parties will pay to settle out than proceed

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A Horse Race For the “Big 13”

The summer has been an eventful one for big changes in big companies. One of our favorite publications recently released a fun infographic on market cap data for the entertainment sector, which insights we will discuss below. Out of the 13 companies studied, the big three media companies currently, by

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Starz✨ Is this the year to shine?

In 2016, Lionsgate acquired television network Starz for $4.4 billion U.S. dollars. Starz has produced award-winning shows, like Power, Outlander, and P-Valley. But due to production delays and a soft quarter, Lionsgate has again chosen to sell or partially sell the service. For now, it will be split into two

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The Times: are they Medieval?

“The battle outside ragin’/ Will soon shake your windows/ And rattle your walls/ For the times they are a-changin’.” Bob Dylan’s 1964 classic opines on the one guarantee in life: change. In the last month, change abounds as workers organize across the United States as people take charge of their

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Hollywood Activism: Roe v. Wade

Since the June 24th overruling of Roe v. Wade, United States culture has been at odds. One side, claims victory, while the other, laments the futures of many, who will be unable to access healthy abortions and attempt to perform them anyway. In short, people will likely die as a

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Launched: Copyright Claims Board

On June 16, 2022, the U.S. Copyright Office launched the Copyright Claims Board (CCB) online. Now, claimants may file small claims alleging copyright infringement of registered (or pending*) works and request monetary compensation. We have been following the CCB since it was written into legislation and earlier, when Register Maria

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The Librarian: Low-key American Superhero

There is a movie franchise starring Noah Wyle called The Librarian that romanticizes the role that these information technicians play in day to day lives. In truth, librarians have been called upon in recent years to serve as activists, defending our freedom of expression, and freedom to read for all.

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Top Gun: Maverick Meets Its Match

As one of my law school professors used to say, “Where there’s a hit, there’s a writ.” A writ is a form of legal petition. Most people have heard of a writ of certiorari or habeas corpus. But in this case, we have the box office hit, credited with the

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Unionize: Starbucks & Animation Guild (TAG)

In the United States, employees have the statutory right to form labor unions under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and which right is administered and facilitated by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The NLRA guarantees the right of most private sector employees to organize into unions, engage in

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